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Q: What is the value of SkyBox the making of Star Trek next generation card set?
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What is meant by a second generation star?

a second generation star is a star that has died a from that become a new star

When was Generation Star Wars created?

Generation Star Wars was created in 1994.

What is the difference between 1st generation stars and 2nd generation stars?

1st generation stars, also known as Population III stars, formed shortly after the Big Bang and consisted mainly of hydrogen and helium. They are believed to have been massive and short-lived. 2nd generation stars, or Population II stars, formed from the remnants of 1st generation stars and contain heavier elements produced in their cores. They are typically older and less massive than 1st generation stars.

What is skybox 1994 star trek cards worth someone gave me about 400 in mint condition not looking for a exact price just looking for some help?

You can see what the value of some of the cards have by seeing what they are selling for by looking to the related links below .

Is our sun a 1st generation star?

Our Sun is a population I star, that does not mean it is first generation - that title is held by population III stars. Our Sun is a 3rd (maybe 4th) generation star. See related question.

Who are the stars of the Internet Lead Generation?

Who are the stars of the Internet Lead Generation?

On Star Trek The Next Generation who is the caption?

The Captain of the Enterprise in Star Trek: The Next Generation is Jean-Luc Picard!

When did Girls' Generation Star Life Theater end?

Girls' Generation Star Life Theater ended on 2011-11-24.

When was Girls' Generation Star Life Theater created?

Girls' Generation Star Life Theater was created on 2011-11-21.

What movie and television projects has Debra Dilley been in?

Debra Dilley has: Played Klingon Pilgrim in "Star Trek: The Next Generation" in 1987. Played Operations Division Officer in "Star Trek: The Next Generation" in 1987. Played Borg in "Star Trek: The Next Generation" in 1987. Played Command Division Officer in "Star Trek: The Next Generation" in 1987. Played Sela in "Star Trek: The Next Generation" in 1987.

What movie and television projects has Arvo Katajisto been in?

Arvo Katajisto has: Played Romulan in "Star Trek: The Next Generation" in 1987. Played Devidian Man in "Star Trek: The Next Generation" in 1987. Played Ensign Torigan in "Star Trek: The Next Generation" in 1987. Played Romulan Guard in "Star Trek: The Next Generation" in 1987. Played Castle Courtier in "Star Trek: The Next Generation" in 1987. Played Klingon in "Star Trek: The Next Generation" in 1987. Played Security Guard in "Twin Peaks" in 1990.