

Star Trek

Star Trek is a science fiction franchise that encompasses the original TV series and spinoffs, films, books, comics, toys, and games. It was created by Gene Roddenberry. Set mainly in the 23rd century, the series is famous for its character-driven story lines, as well as several futuristic technologies that became reality, such as GPS and 3D printers. The motto of Star Trek is "To boldly go where no man has gone before.

1,730 Questions

How long would it take to get from earth to Alpha Centauri on the fictional starship Voyager?

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Asked by Wiki User

Assuming Voyager could travel at warp speed, which is faster than the speed of light, it would take about 4.22 years to reach Alpha Centauri, our nearest neighboring star system, located about 4.37 light-years away from Earth.

Did Star Trek ever travel outside the Milky Way galaxy?

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In Star Trek series and movies, there is no canon evidence of Starfleet vessels traveling beyond the Milky Way galaxy. The technology and distances involved in intergalactic travel make it very challenging. Most of the exploration and conflicts take place within the Milky Way galaxy.

What did the first astronauts use to get up to light speed instead of engines?

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The first astronauts did not use a method to reach light speed in their spacecraft as doing so would require an enormous amount of energy. Current technology and understanding of physics do not allow us to travel at light speed.

Do all vulcans have dark hair?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, not all Vulcans have dark hair. While dark hair is common among Vulcans, there have been instances of Vulcans with lighter hair colors like blonde or reddish hues.

Is red matter the same as antimatter?

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No, red matter is a hypothetical substance featured in science fiction, particularly in the "Star Trek" universe, that has extreme, even cataclysmic, properties. Antimatter, on the other hand, is a real type of matter that consists of particles with properties opposite to those of normal matter particles. Antimatter annihilates upon contact with matter, releasing energy in the process.

Who were Prime Minister Earl Grey's tea merchants?

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Prime Minister Earl Grey's tea merchants were specifically the tea brokers Richard Twining & Company. The company was responsible for blending the iconic Earl Grey tea that was named after the Prime Minister in the 1830s.

If a star is 61 lightyears what does that mean?

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Asked by Jc1977

It means that the light observed from the star today took 61 years to travel from the star to Earth. The distance light travels in one year is roughly 5.88 trillion miles.

What planet is Mr. Spock from?

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Mr. Spock is from the planet, Vulcan.

Vulcan was originally called Vulcania and vulcans, like Mr. Spock, were called Vulcanians.

How many chromosomes does a tribbles body cells normally contain?

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A tribble's body cell typically contains 40 chromosomes.

How do you Navigate using the stars?

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Navigating using the stars involves identifying key constellations or stars in the night sky and tracking their movement to determine direction. Polaris, the North Star, is a commonly used reference point in the northern hemisphere as it remains stationary. By understanding the positions and movements of other stars relative to Polaris, navigators can determine their orientation and course. Special tools like a sextant can also be used to measure angles to the stars for precise navigation.

What did the vulcan do?

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Asked by Wiki User

Vulcans are fictional extraterrestrial humanoid species in the Star Trek universe known for their logical and rational nature, pointy ears, and adherence to strict codes of conduct. They are highly intelligent and possess advanced technology. Led by principles of reason and emotional suppression, Vulcans prioritize logic above all else.

When you take the STAR test?

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Asked by Wiki User

The STAR test, also known as the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness, is typically taken by students in grades 3-12 in Texas schools to assess their academic skills and knowledge in subjects like math, reading, and science. The test helps evaluate student performance and inform instruction.

Is secratariet still alive?

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No, Secretariat passed away in 1989. He was a famous American Thoroughbred racehorse known for winning the Triple Crown in 1973.

Can you audition for a role in Star Trek?

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Auditioning for a role in Star Trek would typically involve submitting a self-tape through an agent or attending open casting calls. The production team selects actors based on their performance, experience, and fit for the character's description. It's recommended to work with a talent agent or casting agency to increase the chances of getting auditions for such roles.

What is the price of Star Trek bronze medallion necklace 1976?

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Asked by Wiki User

The price of a Star Trek bronze medallion necklace from 1976 can vary depending on its condition, rarity, and where it is being sold. It is recommended to check online marketplaces, auction sites, or vintage collectible stores to get an idea of the current market value of this specific item.

Did commander riker captain a starship?

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Asked by A89yhfnqfopji

Yes, Commander William Riker from "Star Trek: The Next Generation" temporarily captained the USS Enterprise-D in several episodes when Captain Picard was on assignment or incapacitated. Additionally, Riker later became captain of the USS Titan in the expanded universe novels.

What happened to the Warp One website that sold Star Trek Costumes

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Asked by Wiki User

The Warp One website that sold Star Trek Costumes is no longer operational. It appears to have been taken down or discontinued, leading to the site being unavailable. It is unclear why the website is no longer active.

What is the name of the alien race in Star Trek TNG that can defeat the borg?

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The alien race in Star Trek TNG that can defeat the Borg is called Species 8472. They are known for their superior technology and ability to resist Borg assimilation.

What tv show used pi to crash a computer system?

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The TV show "Mr. Robot" used a repeated sequence of the number pi to crash a computer system. The sequence of pi caused a buffer overflow in the targeted system, which resulted in a crash.

Who is better Captain Kirk or Captain Picard?

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Asked by Higgy1995

This is subjective and depends on personal preference. Captain Kirk is known for his daring and charismatic leadership style, while Captain Picard is known for his diplomacy and intellectual approach to problem-solving. Both have their strengths and have made significant impacts on Star Trek lore.

What's the actor's name who plays Captain Kirk?

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Asked by Wiki User

The old series Captain Kirk was played by William Shatner. I won't reveal the new actor's name for fear of people who don't wish to be spoiled.

Who was quoted saying the tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon?

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The quote "The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it" is attributed to W. M. Lewis. Lewis was an author and motivational speaker known for his inspiring quotes on life and self-improvement.

How to Build Your Career in Enterprise Blockchains?

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Aspiring to build a career in Blockchain? Enroll in how to build a career in enterprise blockchains course and learn the secrets of successful blockchain career from experts

Does captain kirk like whales?

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Asked by Wiki User

Captain Kirk from Star Trek likes whales because one of the movies he is in involves him saving them from extinction. This was the major plot in the movie which would potentially spell the end of Earth.

Does William shatner smoke?

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I know he used to when he had a house in Tumalo.