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Q: What is the value of a sheet of 32 uncut 1995 US 1 dollar bills?
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What is the value of a sheet of 4 uncut two dollar bills?


What is the value of sheet of 4 uncut twenty dollar bills?

roughly $750.00

What is the value of a sheet of uncut uncirculated two dollar bills?

Eight dollars.

What is the value of a sheet of 4 uncut ten dollar bills?

$40.00 There are too many uncut sheets out there to be worth any more than face value.

What is the value of Uncut sheet 2 dollar bills?

Like the value of anything, it is only worth what someone else will pay for it!

What is the value of an uncut sheet of sixteen 2 dollar bills?

$32 would be the value. You can buy bills in sheets through the Bureau of Engraving and Printing at

What are chances of an uncut sheet of 2 bills increasing in value and how soon?

Not high and not very. Two dollar bills are still at least theoretically in circulation, though they're not very popular; an uncut sheet is more a curiosity than anything else.

What is the value of an uncut sheet of 1987 US 1 dollar bills?

Please check your bills again and post a new, separate question. No US $1 bills were dated 1987.

What is the value of 2 2 dollar bills still attached?

If you had a sheet of uncut two dollar bills, they would be worth far more than just two bills. Depending on their condition, the bills together would fetch between $2 and $10.

How much is an uncut sheet of 8 1 dollar bills laminated from the late 1970 worth?

Unfortunately, laminating them has ruined their value. If you get offered $20, take it and run.

4 uncut dollar bills?

You can still buy uncut sheets from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. This is not an error. Value is $4.

What is the value of an uncut sheet of 32 1984 US 1 dollar bill?

Please check again and post a new, separate question. There are no US $1 bills dated 1984.