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Q: What is the value of conlon collection uncut sheet 1992?
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What is the value of a sheet of 4 uncut two dollar bills?


What is a 1989 upper deck uncut sheet 1 worth?

I have a complete set of uncut 1989 Upper Decks........I value it at $2000 for the 1 st sheet and $1000 for each additional sheet

What is the value of a sheet of 4 uncut ten dollar bills?

$40.00 There are too many uncut sheets out there to be worth any more than face value.

What is the value of sheet of 4 uncut twenty dollar bills?

roughly $750.00

What is the value of 1981 uncut sheet of football cards?

are you selling them? I saw one sheet went for $99 on ebay

What is the value of a sheet of uncut uncirculated two dollar bills?

Eight dollars.

What is the value of Uncut sheet 2 dollar bills?

Like the value of anything, it is only worth what someone else will pay for it!

What is the value of an uncut Fleer 1995 Flair Hardwood Leader Commemorative Basketball Sheet?

On Ebay, it goes for $14.99.

What is the value of sheet 4 uncut one dollar bill?

The Bureau of Engraving and Printing sells these for $15.50 each.

What are chances of an uncut sheet of 2 bills increasing in value and how soon?

Not high and not very. Two dollar bills are still at least theoretically in circulation, though they're not very popular; an uncut sheet is more a curiosity than anything else.

What is the value of an uncut sheet of sixteen 2 dollar bills?

$32 would be the value. You can buy bills in sheets through the Bureau of Engraving and Printing at

What is the value of 1976 uncut sheet of 2 US Treasury star notes?

Most of the 16-sheet districts sell for about $170. The 'I', 'G' and 'J' districts are much higher, as there were fewer produced.