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35 to 40 dollars

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Q: What is the value of set of 5 Alabama 1819-1969 sesquicentennial silver medals proof?
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What is the silver content of a silver illinois sesquicentennial coin?

A date and denomination is needed, post new question.

What country won the most silver medals in the 2014 Winter Paralympics?

Russia received the most silver medals in the 2014 Winter Paralympics. Here are the top ten countries that received the most silver medals: 1. Russia - 28 silver medals 2. Ukraine - 9 silver medals 3. United States - 7 silver medals 4. Austria - 5 silver medals 5. Germany - 5 silver medals 6. France - 3 silver medals 7. Great Britain - 3 silver medals 8. Canada - 2 silver medals 9. Slovakia - 2 silver medals 10. Norway - 2 silver medals

How many Olympic silver medals does Micheal Phelps have?

69 He has never won a silver medal. He has 13 gold medals and 2 bronze medals

Is the 1818-1968 Illinois Sesquicentennial coin a gold coin?

The Illinois Sesquicentennial coin came in two varieties, a Silver Proof coin and a Bronze coin. At the time, you had to buy 25 of the bronze coins to order to get to be able to purchase a silver coin.

Which country won the silver medal in Ice Dancing in the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics?

Russia received the most silver medals in the 2014 Winter Olympics. Here are the top ten countries that received the most silver medals: 1. Russian Fed. - 11 silver medals 2. Canada - 10 silver medals 3. Austria - 8 silver medals 4. United States - 7 silver medals 5. Netherlands - 7 silver medals 6. Sweden - 7 silver medals 7. Germany - 6 silver medals 8. Norway - 5 silver medals 9. France - 4 silver medals 10. China - 4 silver medals

Did boxing get the gold and silver medals last year?

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How many silver medals did Australia get just in 2008 summer Olympics?

15 silver medals

How many silver medals did Canada win in the 2010 winter Olympics?

7 silver medals

How many silver medals has chris hoy won?

he ahs won 1 silver medals

How many silver medals has Ian Thorpe won at the Olympics?

ian has 100000 silver medals

How many silver medals has Australia won?

As of the 2008 Summer Olympics, Australia has won 122 silver medals in the Summer Games and 0 silver medals in the Winter Games.

How much gold medals and silver medals and bronze medals did nadia comaneci win?

16 gold 6 silver 3 bronze