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The value learnt is to always clean you're teeth twice a day, or decay might start to form and there is a slight chance of gum disease

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Q: What is the values learned from the story The Soul of the Great Bell by Lafcadio Hearns anything?
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What have you learned about values?

Obviousl nothing in your case.

What values are learned in shakespeare in love?

Fate and Love

What have you learned about religious values?

Obviousl nothing in your case.

What is the values learned from the story of biag ni lam-ang?

The values learned from the story of Biag ni Lam-ang is the love for the family, doing everything for them and the love for the country.

What values did you learn on the story of the aged mother?

The story of the aged mother emphasizes values such as love, sacrifice, respect for elders, wisdom, and the importance of tradition. It also teaches the lesson of the interconnectedness of generations and the idea that sometimes difficult decisions must be made for the greater good.

What is the origin and subsequent evolution of personal and workplace values?

The origin and evolution of personal and workplace values is experience. You form your values based on things that have happened to you and lessons you have learned in life.

How do you answer 'What values from your last job can you carry to this one'?

Answer You can always carry anything of value from one job to the other. Who knows what you may have learned at one job, may be very valuable at another job. Values come from within you. These are things that you live by. If you are changing jobs always try to remember you are changing jobs to better yourself and whatever values you have will always work for you.

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What you learned about simultaneous equation?

They can be used to find two unknown values with two equations.

What kind of education values does China have?


What is the difference between values and attitudes?

Values are about how we have learned to think about how things ought to be, or people ought to behave, especially in terms of qualities such as honesty, integrity and openness, which when people are asked what their values are tend to be the main values. Attitudes are the established ways of responding to people and situations that we have learned based on the beliefs, values and assumptions we hold. How we respond to situations and our behavior can reflect our attitude. However, we can control our behavior in a way that does not reflect our beliefs and values, which in order to embrace a diverse culture and behaviors as a successful manager, we have to adapt our behavior in a positive manner.

Have human values got anything to do with sex?

Oh yes it has.