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Q: What is the various acounting concept and principles?
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Time Period Concept?

the time period concept is a GAAP that is generally accepted accounting principle that states that the acounting entries are made in equal periods of time usually on each year

How is Mathematics used in Acounting?

you have to use math in acounting for alot of things . like you have to know how to add and subtract and alot more

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Aesthetic :)

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I think it is addition

Principles of accounting?

Accounting principles are those rules and concepts that are generally accepted as standards for the field of accounting. These are standardized by governing bodies such as GAAP and IASB. Few core principles are Accrual concept, Business Entity Concept, Time Period Assumption etc. Reference:

Principles of teaching according to various authors?

Paulo Freire emphasized the importance of critical consciousness and dialogue in education, advocating for a student-centered approach that empowers learners to think critically about the world. Lev Vygotsky highlighted the significance of social interactions and scaffolding in the learning process, emphasizing the role of guided discovery and collaborative learning in cognitive development. John Dewey emphasized experiential learning and the value of connecting classroom knowledge to real-world experiences, promoting a hands-on and inquiry-based approach to education. Jean Piaget's constructivist theory emphasizes the role of active engagement and exploration in learning, suggesting that individuals construct knowledge through their interactions with the environment.

How much money do acounting graduates make?