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Q: What is the vast grasslands that border the great desert region of the Sahara are known as?
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What semi arid tropical region runs from the Atlantic ocean to the red sea and is the southern border of the Sahara?

The Sahal is a semiarid region that borders the Sahara desert.

In what region of the world can the sahara desert be found?

The Sahara Desert is found in the Northern region of Africa.

Which desert does the dry air in Nigeria come from?

Part of Nigeria lies in the Sahel, a semiarid region south of the Sahara. It is a transition zone between the Sahara and forests or grasslands.

Which seas border the Sahara desert?

North African region is bordered on the east by the Red Sea and by the Mediterranean to the north

What region is Sahara in?

The Sahara desert is in North Africa.

What is the region of Africa between the desert and the grasslands?

Between the Sahara Desert and the northern edge of the savanna is the Sahel. The Sahel is an arid grassland. However, overgrazing is converting the Sahel into desert.

In what region of the Sahara desert do the animals live?

In the Sahara desert you would only find animals at an oasis.

Where is the large desert region in Africa?


What are 4 region?


What is the area of north Africa that forms a border between desert and fertile land?

The Sahel is a region of semi-arid grassland between the Sahara and the Savanna.

Is the Sahara Desert an example of a physical region?


In What region of Africa is the Sahara desert?

Northern, mostly.