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Q: What is the vegetation region of Yellowknife?
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What type of natural vegetation is in yellowknife?

The natural vegetation in Yellowknife includes boreal forests with species such as white spruce, trembling aspen, and black spruce. There are also wetlands, tundra, and shrublands that are characteristic of this region.

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the vegetation region is tropical grass land

Where did yellowknife get its name?

Yellowknife got its name from the local Indigenous Dene people, who referred to the area as "Somba K’e," meaning "where the money is found," in reference to the yellow copper ore found in the region. This name was later anglicized to Yellowknife.

Is the coldest vegetation region in Canada?

Tundra - Canada's most northerly vegetation region.

What is vegetation region?

A vegetation region is the major types of plants that grow in that climate and area. So rainforests, grasslands, deserts, tundra, taiga have specific vegetation that grow in that region.

How did Yellowknife NWT get its name?

Yellowknife got its name from the local Dene First Nations people who used yellow copper tools from the region. The name refers to the copper-colored knives with which they fashioned their tools.

What is the vegetation region in Manchester?

What is the vegetation region in Manchester? That's easy- nothing of course! No actually I'm not sure.

How do you spell Yellowknife in french?

Yellowknife is spelled the same in French as it is in English.

What is a climate region that is characterized by cold temperatures and low vegetation?

The tundra is the climate region known to have cold temperatures and low vegetation. The cold temperatures prevent the vegetation from growing.

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What is the capital of Yellow knife?

Yellowknife is the capital of the Northwest Territories, Canada.