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That depends on the strength of the electric field, and on the length of time

the electron has been experiencing it.

An electron in an electric field accelerates uniformly.

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The velocity experienced by an electron in an electric field depends on the strength of the field and the mass of the electron. The velocity will increase as the electric field strength increases. The electron will accelerate in the direction of the electric field.

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Q: What is the velocity experienced by an electron in an electric field?
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What will be the effect on the motion of electron if it travels along the dirction of electric field?

If an electron moves in the direction of an electric field, it will experience an acceleration in the same direction as the field. This will cause the electron's motion to speed up. If the electron is already moving with a velocity in the direction of the electric field, it will continue to move with a constant velocity.

How does a free electron at rest move in an electric field?

A free electron at rest in an electric field will experience a force due to the field and will accelerate in the direction of the electric field. The electron will gain kinetic energy and start moving in the direction of the force until it reaches a velocity where the force due to the field is balanced by other forces acting on the electron.

What affects velocity of electron in the photoelectric effect?

The velocity of an electron in the photoelectric effect is primarily determined by the energy of the incident photon. If the photon energy is greater than the work function of the material, the electron can be ejected with higher velocity. Additionally, factors like the electric field in the material can influence the electron's velocity.

What do you mean by drift velocity and mobility of a free electron?

Drift velocity refers to the average velocity of free electrons as they move in response to an electric field. Mobility of a free electron is a measure of how easily an electron can move through a material under the influence of an electric field, and it is calculated as the ratio of drift velocity to the applied electric field.

Is the velocity vector perpendicular to electric field affected by electric field?

No, the velocity vector of a charged particle is not affected by the electric field if it is perpendicular to the field. The electric force acting on the particle is zero in this case because the force is given by the product of charge and the component of electric field parallel to the velocity vector.

Related questions

What will be the effect on the motion of electron if it travels along the dirction of electric field?

If an electron moves in the direction of an electric field, it will experience an acceleration in the same direction as the field. This will cause the electron's motion to speed up. If the electron is already moving with a velocity in the direction of the electric field, it will continue to move with a constant velocity.

How does a free electron at rest move in an electric field?

A free electron at rest in an electric field will experience a force due to the field and will accelerate in the direction of the electric field. The electron will gain kinetic energy and start moving in the direction of the force until it reaches a velocity where the force due to the field is balanced by other forces acting on the electron.

If a stationary electron sat inside a stationary magnetic field would the magnetic field cause the electron to move?

No, a stationary electron placed in a stationary magnetic field would not move due to the magnetic field alone. The force experienced by a charged particle in a magnetic field is perpendicular to both the magnetic field and the velocity of the particle. In this case, since the electron is stationary, there is no component of its velocity perpendicular to the magnetic field for the magnetic force to act upon.

Force experienced by an electric field E is F N What will be the force on a proton in the same field. Take mass of the proton to be 1836 times mass of an electron?

The force experienced by a proton in an electric field will be the same as for any other charged particle with the same charge, because the force depends on the charge of the particle and the electric field strength. The charge of a proton is the same as the charge of an electron, just opposite in sign. The mass of the proton being 1836 times greater than the mass of an electron will not affect the force experienced by the proton in the electric field.

What affects velocity of electron in the photoelectric effect?

The velocity of an electron in the photoelectric effect is primarily determined by the energy of the incident photon. If the photon energy is greater than the work function of the material, the electron can be ejected with higher velocity. Additionally, factors like the electric field in the material can influence the electron's velocity.

What do you mean by drift velocity and mobility of a free electron?

Drift velocity refers to the average velocity of free electrons as they move in response to an electric field. Mobility of a free electron is a measure of how easily an electron can move through a material under the influence of an electric field, and it is calculated as the ratio of drift velocity to the applied electric field.

Which force field can accelerate an electron but never change its speed?

I would say a magnetic field. When an electron enters a magnetic field that is oriented perpendicular to its path of travel it causes the electron to loop in a circle. While the speed stays the same the velocity is constantly changing due to the circular motion. Hence same speed but undergoing an acceleration.

Is the velocity vector perpendicular to electric field affected by electric field?

No, the velocity vector of a charged particle is not affected by the electric field if it is perpendicular to the field. The electric force acting on the particle is zero in this case because the force is given by the product of charge and the component of electric field parallel to the velocity vector.

Is the electric field caused by an electron weakest near the electron?

The electric field is stronger near the electron and becomes weaker as the distance from the electron increases.

Is drift velocity the velocity of an electron or its displacement?

Drift velocity refers to the average velocity of charge carriers, such as electrons, in a conductor when subjected to an electric field. It represents the overall movement of these charge carriers through the material due to the applied voltage, rather than the displacement of individual electrons.

What is lorrenz force?

The Lorentz force is the force experienced by a charged particle moving in an electric and magnetic field. It is perpendicular to both the velocity of the particle and the magnetic field. The Lorentz force can cause the charged particle to curve in its path or experience a change in velocity.

How would a proton's motion differ from the motion of an electron placed at the same point in the same electric field?

A proton, being positively charged, would move in the opposite direction of the electric field, while an electron, being negatively charged, would move in the same direction as the electric field. Additionally, the proton's mass is larger than the electron's mass, so the proton would have less acceleration and a slower velocity compared to the electron in the same electric field.