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The verb in the sentence is "to be," specifically the phrasal verb "have to be." This indicates a necessity or obligation to maintain quietness in a library.

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Q: What is the verb in the sentence in a library you have to be quiet?
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What is the function of the word became in a sentence?

Became is a verb. He became quiet. Subject Verb Adverb

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The verb of quiet is quieten. For example "to quieten something or someone".

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Quiet is an action verb.

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"Five laws of library science" is not a sentence, it is a noun phrase. To be a sentence is needs to have a verb; for example:The five laws of library science are on page nine.We read the five laws of library.

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What speech part is quiet?

The word "quiet" can be a verb or an adjective.- Verb : to quiet is to calm or silence, e.g. She managed to quiet the crying baby.- Adjective : meaning not noisy, e.g. They were sitting by the quiet pond.

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No, the sentence does not demonstrate correct subject-verb agreement. The subject "donations" is plural, while the verb "buys" is singular. It should be "Donations to the library system buy new books and other media."

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She sat quietly in the library, reading her book.

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Rosie blandly informed each library patron that she was not actually a librarian, but was simply practicing getting people to be quiet.