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Q: What is the vital organs of ribcage?
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What part of the body acts like a cage what does it protect?

The ribcage acts as a cage and protects your vital organs.

What are the vital organs of the ribs and sternum?

The ribs, sternum and thoracic vertebrae make up the ribcage.

Why is the ribcage in the human skeletal system important?

It helps protect some of our most vital organs such as our heart and lungs.

What is the structure that protects your vital organs above the waist?

Your ribcage protects your heart and lungs and your skull protects your brain.

What vital organs protected by rib cage?

The two main organs the ribcage protects are the lungsand heart. It also protects diaphragm, esophagus and thymus.

What organs protect the rib cage?

Well, to answer the question directly, skin protects the ribcage. If the question reversed (what organs does the ribcage protect?), then my answer would be that the ribcage primarily protects the heart and lungs, although it does protect the spleen and, to a lesser extent, the liver and stomach.

What human joints protect human organs?

None because we do not have joints around our heart, lungs, stomach, kidney or bladder. But the ribcage protects most of your vital organs along with layers and layers of muscle tendon or tissue. Resulting in having most of your vital organs not needing to have any more protection

What type of bone is used for protection-?

Skull and Ribcage!

What organs protect spine?

The ribcage

Scientific name for the ribcage?

The scientific name for the ribcage is thoracic cage, which includes the ribs, sternum, and thoracic vertebrae. It is a bony structure that protects the vital organs located in the chest cavity, such as the heart and lungs.

What are the most vital organs in your body?

The torso? I guess the lower torso if we're going by raw number of discrete organs, since the chest cavity contains fewer (even if losing them will kill you faster). How large of an area are we talking about?

What protect organs in the upper body?
