

What is the volume of a pound of us quarters?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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There are 80 modern quarters to a pound.

Each has a thickness of 1.75mm

Each has a diameter of 24.3mm

So a stack of 80 would form a cylindar 140mm tall with a radius of 12.15mm

The volume of a cylindar is expressed as pi times the radius squared times the height, or :

3.14159 X 12.15 X 12.15 X 140 = 64,927.71177 cubic mm


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Q: What is the volume of a pound of us quarters?
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How many Washington quarters in a pound?

80 US quarters are in a pound.

How many quarters in a us pound?

A modern (1965 or later) US quarter weighs 0.2 oz. so there are 5 per ounce, times 16 ounces in a pound = 80 quarters.

How many dollars are in one pound of quarters?

Modern US quarters weigh 5.67 gm each, or 1/5 of a US ounce. There are 16 ounces in a US pound which is 80 quarters, or $20.

How many dollars in a pound of quarters?

Modern US quarters weigh 5.67 gm each, or 1/5 of a US ounce. There are 16 ounces in a US pound which is 80 quarters, or $20.

How many US quarters weigh 1 pound?

Current US quarters weigh 5.67 gm, which is 0.2 US ounces. That means five quarters weigh one US ounce; a pound is 16 ounces so it's the same weight as 16 X 5 = 80 quarters.

What is the value of one pound of US quarters?

One quarter weighs 5.67 grams, and there are 453.59 grams in one pound. That makes 80 quarters to a pound, which is worth $20.

How much is 1 lb quarters?

A US quarter dollar coin is 5.67 grams. There are 453.6 grams in a US pound (weight). Dividing 453.6 grams per pound by 5.67 grams per quarter gives 80 quarters per pound. Since there are four quarters in one dollar, 80 quarters is equal to $20.

How many quarters in a pound and what's it worth in us money?

80 quarters in a pound (1qtr=.2 oz, 16 oz/.2 =80) which is worth 20 dollars.

How much is 55 lbs of quarters?

One pound of US quarters is $20.00. So, 55lbs x 20 = $1,100.00

How much does half a pound of quarters way?

0.5 pounds * 4 quarters/pound = 2 quarters

How much does three hundred dollars in US quarters weigh in pounds?

if $20 worth of quarters is 1 pound, $300 worth of quarters is 15 pounds...

How much does a pound of quarters weigh?

A pound IS a unit of weight, so one pound of quarters weighs ...... one pound.