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Q: What is the waiting state of a process?
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What is Process transition in the Operating system?

Moving from one process state(like Ready state, running state, termination state) to another process state. Process transition may occur due to different purposes like if a process: waiting for I/o operations, waiting for data from disk(moved to blocked state from running state and stays there until data extraction process in not over), or if there left no instruction in the process to be executed....then it moved to termination state from running state, If a process is in running state and at that time it is interrupted by another process, then process move from running state to ready state(join queue again and waiting for its turn again).

Can we determine the state of a process by the hardware or queues that this process is associated with at a given time?

yes. ready state in ready queue, waiting state in waiting queue , only one exception is the running state, no queue corresponding to .

Different states of a process?

In computing, if a processor is running and doing a number of activities, those activities are known as its states. As a processor executes, its state changes. There are number of states like New state i.e. creation of new process, Running state i.e. execution of instructions, Waiting state i.e. its a state where processor is waiting for some activity to occur, Ready state i.e. in this a particular process has acquired the resources and is waiting to be assigned to a processor, Terminated state i.e. the execution of a process has completed.

What are the Process states?

A process which is Executed by the Process have various States, the State of the Process is also called as the Status of the process, The Status includes whether the Process has Executed or Whether the process is Waiting for Some input and output from the user and whether the Process is Waiting for the CPU to Run the Program after the Completion of the Process.The various States of the Process are as Followings:-1) New State : When a user request for a Service from the System , then the System will first initialize the process or the System will call it an initial Process . So Every new Operation which is Requested to the System is known as the New Born Process.2) Running State : When the Process is Running under the CPU, or When the Program is Executed by the CPU , then this is called as the Running process and when a process is Running then this will also provides us Some Outputs on the Screen.3) Waiting : When a Process is Waiting for Some Input and Output Operations then this is called as the Waiting State. And in this process is not under the Execution instead the Process is Stored out of Memory and when the user will provide the input then this will Again be on ready State.4) Ready State : When the Process is Ready to Execute but he is waiting for the CPU to Execute then this is called as the Ready State. After the Completion of the Input and outputs the Process will be on Ready State means the Process will Wait for the Processor to Execute.5) Terminated State : After the Completion of the Process , the Process will be Automatically terminated by the CPU . So this is also called as the Terminated State of the Process. After Executing the Whole Process the Processor will Also deallocate the Memory which is allocated to the Process. So this is called as the Terminated Process.

What is a dead lock in os?

A process request request resources ,and if the resources are not available at that time ,teh process enters a waiting state.Sometimes ,a waiting process is never agian able to change state,becoj teh resources it has requsted are held by other waiting process .This situation is called deadlock.

How many waiting processes can a single processor have?

1 process at most is running. 1 process or multiple are ready. 1 process or multiple are waiting.

What is CPU sheduling algorithm?

Basically,this is a need in case of multiprogramming.For optimum utilization of CPU it should be utilised in the meanwhile time when some process is in waiting state for some I/O or waiting for some event to occur. So,for this many programs should be in memory in waiting state so that CPU can be allocated to some other process for optimum utilization of CPU. A schedule(time table in broad sense) which will decide Cpu will be allocated to which process when some previous process is in waiting state. Now this schedule is designed according to some criteria(algorithm) to decide CPU will be allocated to which process. Some Algorithms: 1.First Come First Serve(FCFS) 2.Shortest Job Scheduling(SJS) 3.RoundRobin Scheduling(RRS)

What is deadlock in rdbms?

Deadlock in a relational database management system (RDBMS) occurs when two or more transactions are unable to proceed because each is waiting for resources that the other transaction holds. This creates a deadlock situation where transactions are effectively stuck and unable to complete. Deadlocks can lead to system performance degradation and require intervention to resolve them.

What characteristics of a suspended process by an operating system?

Characteristics of a suspended process:The process is not immediately available for execution.The process may or may not be waiting for an event.The process was placed in a suspended state by an agent: either itself, a parent process, or the operating system, for the purpose of preventing its execution.The process may not be removed from this state until the agent explicitly orders the removal.

Is there a required waiting period after you divorce your spouse before you can remarry her?

It varies state to state. Google "waiting periods to remarry after divorce" and many websites will give you a state to state listing of the waiting periods. Most states have no waiting period but some have a 30 day waiting period up to a 6 month waiting period. See related question link.

What is the process is waiting for some event to occur?


What is the meaning of the term busy waiting What other kinds of waiting are there in an operating system Can busy waiting be avoided altogether Explain your answer?

_ A process is waiting for an event to occur and it does so by executing instructions. _ A process is waiting for an event to occur in some waiting queue (e.g., I/O, semaphore) and it does so without having the CPU assigned to it. _ Busy waiting cannot be avoided altogether.