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Q: What is the watery material that results from digestion in the stomach?
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What is that watery material that results from digestion in the stomach?


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What is The watery substance that moves from the stomach to the small intestine?

It is parasympathetic

What is the watery liquid that moves from your stomach to your small interstates?


Watery material which contains many of the material involved in cell metabolism?

Cytoplasm is the watery material inside cells that contains various cellular organelles and molecules involved in cell metabolism, such as enzymes, ions, and nutrients. This fluid-like substance plays a crucial role in various cellular processes like metabolism, protein synthesis, and signaling.

What watery material which contains many of the material involved in cell metabolism?

Sea water.

What is slaiva?

it is a watery liquid secreted into the mouth by the salivary glands it helps with breakdown of food when it starts the process of digestion

What is the watery material which contains many of the materials in cell metabolism?


Watery material which contains many of the materials involed in cell metabolism?

Cytoplasm? ^^

What watery material contains many of the materials involved in cell metabolism?

The watery material that contains many of the materials involved in cell metabolism is the cytoplasm. It is a jelly-like substance that fills the inside of cells and acts as a medium for various biochemical reactions to take place. Within the cytoplasm, you can find proteins, sugars, ions, and other molecules necessary for cell functioning.

Watery material which contains many materials involved in cell metabolism?

Cytoplasm is the semi-fluid material inside the cell that contains various organelles and plays a key role in cellular metabolism by providing a medium for biochemical reactions to occur. It also helps in the transportation of materials within the cell and provides structural support.