

What is the wavelength at 4 GHz?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: What is the wavelength at 4 GHz?
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Which wavelength is shortest 1 GHz or 100 GHz?

1 GHz

What is the difference between MB and GHz?

MB is used to measure the volume of computer data. GHz is used in the measurement wavelength.

How do you convert 2.5 GHz into meters?

Divide 300 by 2,500,000,000 to get a wavelength of 0.00000015 metres. Wavelength metres = 300 / f(mHz) = 300 / 2500 mHz = 0.12 metres. (2.5 gHz = 2500 mHz)

What wavelength signal has a frequency of 0.6 Ghz?

Electromagnetic radiation with a frequency of 0.6GHz is ultra-high frequency Microwaves. It has a wavelength of 50cm.

What is the speed of a microwave with 3 GHz frequency?

For any electromagnetic wave, the wavelength depends on the frequency, but the speed doesn't. They all have the same speed. It's 300 million meters per second, regardless of the frequency. The wavelength at 3 GHz is 10 centimeters.

What are KHz MHz and GHz?

Khz is a measure of wavelength. i.e. my dick is 1,000 Khz

What is the wavelength of the radiation produced by a 2.70 GHz microwave?

The wavelength of the radiation produced by a 2.70 GHz microwave is approximately 11.1 centimeters.

How many GHz are in the Pentium 4 chip?

The Pentium 4 currently ranges from 1.3 GHz to 3.8 GHz.

What is the wavelength range of a microwave?

10 centimeters or less If you mean "microwave oven", those operate at the frequency of 2.45 GHz, where the wavelength is 12.24 centimeters.

What is the frequency of the radar waves if it operate with a wavelength of 3.2cm?

Frequency = (speed)/(wavelength) = (3 x 108) / 0.032 = 9.375 x 109 = 9.375 GHz

What is the frequency of electromagnetic radiation that has a wavelength of 0.325 cm?

9.375 GHz or 9.375 x 109 Hz.

What is the wavelength of a microwave with 3 GHz frequency?

Wavelength = (speed) divided by (frequency)= (3 x 108) / (3 x 109) = 0.1 meter = 10 centimeters