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Well, first we see Arithmetic transmuted into Algebra.

Algebra gives the Relation - accompanied by the inseparable Units: f (Frequency in cycles per second) = c (the Speed of Light at 297,000 km/s) divided by lambda (in meters per cycle) - Problem:

f = 600,000 hertz or cycles per second;

c = 297,000 kilometers per second; and

the Lambda wavelength in meters per cycle - peak to peak - is:

Lambda = 297,000,000 meters per second divided by 600,000 cycles per second is 2,970/6 meters per Wave.

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Q: What is the wavelength of a 6 meters waves?
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Find the speed of a wave with a frequency of 6 wavess and a wavelength of 8m?

The speed of a wave can be calculated using the formula: speed = frequency x wavelength. Given a frequency of 6 waves and a wavelength of 8m, the speed of the wave would be 48 m/s.

Which EM region has the longest wavelength?

Radio Waves. Their wavelength is 103 meters (1 kilometer). Because of this, their waves have the lowest frequency.

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Wavelength = (speed) / (frequency) =(299,792,458 meters per second) / (96,700,000 Hz) =3.1 meters (rounded)

Is wavelength measured in hertz or meters?

Usually, no. The wavelength of visible light is usually measured in nanometers. Only larger forms of electromagnetic radiation, like radio waves, are measured in meters.

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The highest-energy waves in the electromagnetic spectrum are gamma rays. Gamma rays have the shortest wavelengths and highest frequencies, making them the most energetic form of electromagnetic radiation. They are produced by nuclear reactions and can penetrate most materials easily.

What is the wavelength of radiation at a frequency of 543.3Hz?

For a frequency f in air with the speed of sound of c = 343 meters per second the wavelength lambda = c / f. A frequency of 543.3 Hz meters equals a wavelength of 0.6313 meters. There is a useful calculator for converting wavelength to frequency and vice versa. Scroll down to related links and look at "Acoustic waves or sound waves in air".

If Two waves are traveling in the same medium with a speed of 340ms What is the difference in frequency of the waves if the one has a wavelength fo 5m and the other has a wavelength of 0.2m?

The frequency of a wave is inversely proportional to its wavelength, so we can use the equation: speed = wavelength * frequency. For the first wave with a wavelength of 5m, the frequency would be 68 Hz. For the second wave with a wavelength of 0.2m, the frequency would be 1700 Hz. The difference in frequency between the two waves would be 1632 Hz.

An ocean wave has a wavelength of 10 meters These waves pass by a stationary boat every 2 seconds The speed of the waves is?

The speed of a wave = (wavelength) times (frequency) = (10) x (1/2) = 5 meters per second.

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The speed of a wave is calculated by multiplying its frequency by its wavelength. In this case, the speed of the waves along the string would be 1.0 meters per second (2.0 Hz * 0.50 m).

What is the wavelength of radio waves that have a frequency of 530MHz?

Wavelength = speed / frequency300,000,000 meters per second/530,000,000 per second = 56.6 centimeters

An ocean wave has a wavelength of 10 meters these waves pass by a stationary boat every 2.0 seconds the speed of the waves is?


How do you find the wavelengths in meters of radiation what frequencies?

Wavelength x frequency = speed of the wave, so wavelength = speed / frequency. In SI units, wavelength (in meters) = speed (in meters/second) / frequency (in Hertz). If you are talking about electromagnetic waves in avacuum, use 300,000,000 m/s for the speed.