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Q: What is the weight of a Red Fox in Kilograms?
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What is the red fox's weight?

5-22 lbs

What is the weight of the red fox?

Weight:6.5 to 24 lbs (3 to 11 kg)

Weight of red fox?

The weight of a red fox is anywhere from 6.5 pounds to 24 pounds. They are omnivores, meaning they will eat both meat and plants. In the wild they live 2 to 4 years.

Who would win a cat or groundhog?

A red fox would typically not fight against a powerful opponent like a wolf. But in a situation where fleeing was not possible, the wolf would kill the fox, there is no contest. A typical red fox weighs 7 kilograms on average, which is little more than a domestic cat. An average grey wolf weighs in at around 38 kilograms, and is almost twice as tall, and as long.

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4.1 kilograms

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How many pounds equal 15 kilograms?

First take the weight in kilograms and simply multiply it by 2.2. This would give you the answer in pounds. So in this case the answer is 33.06 pounds.

What is the weight of the Eiffel Tower in kilograms?

There can be no answer because kilograms are used to measure mass and not weight.

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if hilda weighed 45 kilograms represent her weight after she had lost x kilograms

Is your weight better expressed in kilograms or grams?


How many kilograms does a 22 pound dog weight?

First take the weight in Kilograms and multiply it by 0.453. This would give the weight in kilograms. So in this case the answer is 10 kilograms.