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The word "cardamom" in Tagalog is translated as "kardamom".

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Q: What is the word 'cardamom' when translated from English to tagalog?
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What is immensely in tagalog?

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What is the word chapter when translated from English to Tagalog?

The word "chapter" in Tagalog is "kabanata."

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What is 'maganda' when translated from Tagalog to English?

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What is guts in tagalog?

"Guts" in Tagalog can be translated as "tapang" or "katapangan."

How do you say the Tagalog word tungkod in English?

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What is tagalog of dinilaan?

In Tagalog the word "dinilaan" is translated as "hinalikan".

What is 'ostrich' when translated from English to Tagalog?

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