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Q: What is the word bite when translated from English to French?
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What is the french word for the English word bite?

Direct translation would be : "Mord moi", although the expression "bite me" doesn't seem to have a french equivalent

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What is the French word for the English word she?

'She' is translated 'elle' in French.

What is 'vendredi' when translated from French to English?

Vendredi in French is "Friday" in English.

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The French word 'Coupe' translated into English is 'Cut' or 'Haircut'.

What is the french word for the English word bloom?

The English word 'Bloom' translated into French is ' fleurir' Hope this helped:).

How do you say the french word exercice in English?

the French word 'exercice' (with an "c") is translated 'exercise' in English.

What is the word 'stage' when translated into French?

it is translated to e'tape, but when e'tape is translated from french to English it also means step

What does fog mean in french?

"Fog" is not a word in the French language. The English word "Fog" is translated into French as "brouillard"

What is 'lights' when translated from English to French?

"Lights" in English is the feminine word lumières in French.

What is 'pied' when translated from French to English?

"pied" is the French word for foot.

What is the word for environment in French?

The word for environment in French is "environnement."