

Best Answer

I used a PDF version to count and it says 116277 words.

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Q: What is the word count of jack kerouac's on the road?
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The word 'road' is a noun, a word for a thing.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence. The pronoun that takes the place of the noun 'road' is 'it'. Example:If you take this road, it will take you to the bridge.

What books have the word Road in the title?

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it does count as a word.... HA CONOR IT IS A WORD

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yes it does count as a word............ <|:P

What is the root word for discount?

The root word for discount is "count," which comes from the Latin word "computare" meaning "to count."

What is the french word for Jack?

What is the french word french of Jack ? the french word for Jack its Jacques .

Can you put the word numerous into a sentence?

"Pauline had received numerous letters from the school about her son's behaviour." "Jack has numerous illnesses." "The stars are too numerous to count."

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high jack phone jack

When counting words for a novel is does A or the count as a word or is it based on five characters one word idea?

In word count calculations for novels, both "a" and "the" count as one word. Each word, regardless of its length or commonality, is counted as one towards the total word count.

What is the word count for The Hunger Games?

The word count for the Hunger Games is 99,750.

How many syllables is in the word count?

The word "count" has only one syllable in it.