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Q: What is the word equation for the synthesis of a fat?
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How can you tell if a chemical equation represents condensation synthesis?

When a water molecule is being taken from the equation, that represents condensation synthesis, also known as dehydration synthesis. When a water molecule is being added to the equation, it represents hydrolysis.

What role in cholesterol synthesis and fat metabolism?

the smooth endoplasmic reticulum has the role in cholesterol synthesis, fat metabolism, and detoxification of drugs

What is the balanced equation for P4 O2-P4O10?

That's a synthesis, or combination reaction. These types of reactions generally have 2 reactants and 1 product.

How can i write the word synthesis in a sentence?

i don't like the word synthesis

What equation shows the synthesis of cyclohexanone from cyclohexanol and what is this synthesis?

This is an oxidation reaction cyclohexanol with acidified dichromate produces cyclohexanone

What equation is a example of a synthesis reaction?

CaO + CO2 - CaCO3

Which equation represents the synthesis of a transuranium element?

Gucci rob

What is the Balanced equation for copper choride?

The synthesis reaction is.... Cu + Cl2 --> CuCl2

What is a balanced equation for synthisis?

2H2 + O2 --> 2H2O Simple water synthesis.

Metabolically is fat storage catabolic or anabolic?

Metabolically,fat synthesis is anabolic,while fat storage is neither anabolic nor catabolic.

When two or more substances combine in a chemical reaction to form another substance the reaction that has taken place is?

If 2 or more reactants produce a single product, then a synthesis reaction has occured.