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Q: What is the word for a pair of forces that are equal and opposite?
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What shape has 2 opposite and 2 equal sides?

The word "opposite" is not particularly helpful.The shape could be:A lop-sided kite or arrowhead, with one pair of equal sides and one pair of unequal ones;An isosceles trapezium (where the bases are different from the slanted sides);A non-isosceles trapezium where one of the bases is equal to one of the slanted sides.It could, of course, be a polygon with more than 4 sides.

What is the opposite word of differences?

"equal to" or "the same as" "equal to" or "the same as"

What word that means struggle between two opposite forces?


What is the opposite word for ma?

There is no opposite for MA or M.A. : the female "ma" (mother) is equal to the male "pa" (father).

When two forces are equal do you say they are magnetic?

No, you do not.You say they are equal; there is no other technically correct word or term.

Where does the word au pair come from?

franceAu pair is French for equal, meaning the individual is to become a part of the family and help with the family jobs, but not as a servant.It's French, meaning "on a par". The idea is that the au pair is on a par with, or has equal status to, a member of the family.

What word means for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction?

The First Law of Inertia :)

What is a balace force?

a balanced force is when the number of the forces are equal (another word for it) balanced

What is the root language for the word stasis?

the state of equilibrium or inactivity caused by opposing equal forces

What word starts with R and means the opposite of contract?

The word "contract" is referring to a muscle doing work, and the opposite is relax. Skeletal muscles work in pairs, and often one of the pair will contract while the other relaxes.

Is pair an adverb?

No, the word pair is not an adverb.The word pair is a noun (he has a pair of cards) and a verb.(I will pair them up).

What is the opposite of free enterprise?

The opposite of free enterprise as "capitalism" would be socialism or communism, where market forces are controlled. The exact opposite would be a completely controlled market, for which there is no single word beyond monopoly (control of supply).