

What is the word for an excessive body temperature?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What is the word for an excessive body temperature?
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How do you recognize the sickness of hypothermia?

Hypothermia is the excessive lowering of body temperature under 95 degrees. The symptoms of hypothermia can range from a weak pulse, to delirium, to frostbite on different body parts, to excessive shivering and unresponsiveness.

How does coffee raise the body's temperature?

Yes, it does but not rapidly, of course a warm drink would increase body temperature. its almost like pouring warm water on your arm.

How do Arthropods maintain their body temperature?

Many arthropods regulate their temperature by behavior by basking in sunlight and by lowering their bodies onto warm rocks. They also seek shade where temperatures are excessive.

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His use of the word "basically" in sentences was excessive to say the least.

A condensates return temperature indicates normal operation excessive steam defective trap or wet steam?

A condensates return temperature indicates excessive steam.

What motor temperature is excessive?

>230 deg F

What is the word for a rapid change in body temperature?

Hyperthermia and hypothermia are what the rapid change in body temperature is called. Someone who is experiencing hyperthermia has a temperature that remains above normal. Someone who is experiencing hypothermia has a temperature that remains below normal.

How does temperature makes people sick?

Our bodies are designed to work efficiently within a narrow temperature 'window'. Prolongued exposure to excessive heat or cold triggers the body's defence mechanism - which tries to fight an imaginary 'invader'.

Is fever a noun?

Yes, the word 'fever' is a noun; a word for an abnormally high body temperature; a disease of which fever is an important symptom; a state of excitement; a word for a thing.The word 'fever' is also an archaic verb, meaning to bring about a high body temperature or a state of nervous excitement.

Why someone cannot sleep during hangover?

A person may not be able to sleep during a hangover because they have an excessive migraine. This may also be caused by a rise in body temperature due to the alcohol content in the body.