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It is not a word is a number, 5150. The police and such use that number on radio calls when confronted by a insane individual.

Lunatic, insane, demented, unsound, maniac, moonstruck, eccentric, and foolish are relative terms.

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insane i think

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Q: What is the word for crazy person?
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What is the British English word for crazy person?

A common British word for a crazy person is "nutter."

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What is another word for crazy person that begins with d?

Demented. Delusional.

How does a person get crazy?

A person can get crazy if they want

Whats the name of the place that people send crazy people to?

The mentally ill are treated in hospitals and clinics that specialize in mental illness. The term 'crazy' and 'crazy people' is a generic term that can mean anything wild, violent, oddball, enthusiastic, or strange. A crazy person doesn't equal a mentally ill person. The word 'crazy' can be a positive or a negative description. Examples: She wears such crazy clothes. He's just girl crazy. When I said that, she went crazy. He ran like crazy. That was a crazy thing to do. I think the word you seek is an asylum.

How can you describe a person in one word who is crazy trust able strong sweet and dramatic?

all i can say is that person is frustrated

What is another word used to mean a person is a nut case or crazy?

Another word that can be used to mean a person is a nut case or crazy is "lunatic."

How do you abbreviate the word crazy?


Is crazy legs a common noun or proper noun?

The term 'crazy legs' is a noun phrase, a group of words based on a noun.The word 'legs' is a noun, a common noun, a general word for parts of a body.The word 'crazy' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun.A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing.

What does the word Meshugana mean in Hebrew?

The word is actually Meshugener and it's a Yiddish word that means crazy person. (In Yiddish, final r is usually not pronounced strongly, so people think it's meshugeneh)This word comes from the Hebrew word meshuga (משוגע) which means crazy.