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Q: What is the word for describing something in great detail without actually naming the object?
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What does the word mentioned mean?

Verb Refer to something briefly and without going into detail. Noun A reference to someone or something.

What is the difference between a detail and a example?

when describing a word, a detail is something more presice about it, something that is not general but specific; an example is the ordinary use of the word. You can tell a story in detail and it will probably be long with every small action described. when you give a definition of a word you can give an example for another person to understand better. EXAMPLE: an example of detail could be: the desk was made of wood, painted in blue and barnished.- that is a detail description of a desk. I just gave you an example of a detail

Your internet moves slow Does this have anything to do with the router?

Probably not. Its hard to diagnose something like that without more detail.

What is the definition of scratch the surface?

scratch the surface means going over something briefly without much detail.

What does the phrase 'the skinny on ...' mean?

"The skinny on..." something is a relatively recent idiom that means to give the bare facts about something without a lot of unnecessary detail: a concise, detailed report on.

What is the definition of a detail?

The word detail is used to describe something specific about something. It can be a fact, feature, or item of a certain thing.

What is the difference between summarize and describe?

Summarize provides a brief overview of the main points or key ideas of a topic, while describe gives a detailed account or portrayal of the characteristics, features, or qualities of something. In essence, summarizing captures the essence in a concise manner, while describing goes into more depth or detail.

Which best explains the effect of sensory detail in poetry?

It helps the reader understand the specific experience the poet is describing.

What is qualitative data in sociology?

Qualitative data is the data which deals with description and observation... In sociology, the qualitative data is based on observing and describing something in detail.. However, the Quantitative data is the data which is associated with numeric. It comes from the word "quantity"

Should I believe she actually wants something with me?

How can anyone answer this question?! It is so vague. If you were to give maybe a touch more detail people could help you out with this conundrum...

What is a 'microscopic level' in terms of sociology?

Looking at something or a relationship at a "microscopic level" is to examine it in great detail, perhaps without reference to its surroundings or environment.

To suggest that the Pardoner is vain Chaucer describes him as being without an?

Chaucer suggests the Pardoner is vain by describing him as being without a hood or hat, exposing his long, flowing hair that he believes makes him look more attractive. This detail highlights the Pardoner's preoccupation with his appearance and vanity.