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Forty is "quarante" in French.

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Q: What is the word for forty in French?
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What is 40 in French?

'Quarante' is the french word for forty.

How do tou spell forty in french?

"Forty" in French becomes "quarante".

How do you spell forty-three in French?

Forty three is 'quarante trois' in French.

How do you say forty five in dutch?

The word forty-five in Dutch is spelt vijfenveertig. Unlike other languages such as English or French, hyphens are not necessary.

What is '44' when translated from English to French?

Quarante-quatre is a French equivalent of the English word "forty-four (44)." The number represents the combination of the word quarante ("forty [4]") and quatre ("four [4]"). The pronunciation will be "keh-rawnt-kaht" in northerly French and "keh-rawn-tuh- ka-truh" in southerly French.

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How do you say forty four in French?

In French, "forty four" (44) is said "quarante-quatre".

How do you spell forty two thousand in French?

Forty two thousand is "quarante deux mille" in French.

Explain how the word quarantine and it's meaning was developed?

Quarantine (segregating someone from everyone else until it is proved that they are healthy) gets its name because the period of segregation used to be forty days. The word is related to the French word for forty (quarante).

What does quarante in French?


What is '45' when translated from English to French?

to say forty five is quarante cinq

What is the Kikuyu word for the English word forty?

Mirongo inya is the Kikuyu word for the English word forty.