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Q: What is the word for giving a convicted criminal a punishment?
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How can you use the word alternate in a sentence with a criminal?

There was no alternate for the punishment that the criminal could choose.

What rights does a criminal defendant have?

The use of the word "defendant" implies that the individual is already under arrest and has been charged. In that case: They have the right to counsel, to be confronted by the witnesses against them, and to be tried by a jury of their peers. If convicted, they have the right to expect NO cruel or unusual punishment.

What is a sentence using the word concurrently?

Example sentence - The sentencing for the three crimes by the convicted criminal included serving the sentences concurrently.

Why is there an insulating layer behind the penal?

Penal is a adjective.This term can be related to the punishment of offenders in the legle system.The synonyms of this word are criminal and Punsihable.

'Do you get a criminal record if you are arrested but not charged?

Convicted would be the word, not charged. In some cases people are arrested for a crime, but may not be convicted of the crime for one reason or another. Depending on judicial proceedings, even if you are not convicted the arrest may still show up on your record for a period of time.

Use the noun word convict as a sentence?

The convict was brought to the state penitentiary, where he would serve out his 32 year sentence. Convict - a person convicted of a crime, a criminal

What is the antonym of the word punishment?

The antonym of the word punishment is reward.

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How do you use the word life in a sentence?

My life here in New York is great. Some scientists think that there is life on other planets. The criminal was convicted and given a life sentence.

What type of word is avenge positive or destructive?

AVENGE-get revenge for.To avenge the crime, the count gave the criminal a harsh obviously it would be negative

Why are criminals not allowed to preach God's word if called?

It would be embarrassing to the Church if a preacher were found to be a convicted criminal, and could confirm the belief of some that the Church is prepared to hide and support criminals.

What is the noun of convict?

The word convict is both a noun (convict, convicts) and a verb (convict, convicts, convicting, convicted). The noun convict is a singular, common noun, a word for aperson found guilty of a criminal offense and serving a sentence of imprisonment.