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Q: What is the word passing something along from one person to another?
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If you are asking Him something along the lines of "If you are really God give me $100 dollars right now"

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A co-applicant is someone who applies for something along with another applicant.

What is a co-applicant?

A co-applicant is someone who applies for something along with another applicant.

What kind of poem describes the passing of something?

Love. If you fall someone catches you (someone helps you and falls in love with you) then he/she decides they don't want you any more, so they pass you on, continuing to fall until another catches you and until you stop falling you are passed along a line.

Who do you call somebody who doesn't agree with another person and at the end they finally go along with it?

Such a person could be said to be defeated.

What to say when you're passing along someone else's resume?

If sending an email, it is very possible that the person will forward that email onto the ultimate recipient. So, write the email as if it is a cover letter. Thank the person for passing on your resume and tell them how excited you are about the possibility of working for such a wonderful company. If they are passing your resume onto more than one company, just talk about how much you are looking forward to a new position, the opportunity to learn or take on more responsibility, etc. Check your spelling!

What is another word for lunitic?

I think you meant lunatic. Another word would be nutter, crazy person, looney. Along those lines. :)

What causes a person to steal from another person money?

Dishonesty, along with most anti-social behavior, is a manifestation of low self-esteem.