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Q: What is the word root for blood vessels?
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What word root applies to blood vessels?

The word root that applies to blood vessels is "angi-" or "vaso-".

What does the root word angio mean?

In Greek it means "receptacle', while in medicine it's a prefix relating to blood vessels.

What is the function of the pulp of the tooth?

The pulp in teeth is the part which is taken out when you have "root canal therapy", it is the nerve and blood vessels. The pulp in teeth is the part which is taken out when you have "root canal therapy", it is the nerve and blood vessels.

The word part haimato is the greek root for blood?

The Greek root "haimato" refers to blood, derived from the Ancient Greek word "haima" meaning blood. It is commonly used in medical terms related to blood or blood-related conditions.

A word meaning relating to the blood vessels or blood?


What is the root word in anaemia?

The root is -emia which means blood. Anemia means without blood.

What is a good sentence for the word blood vessels?

"Blood vessels" is actually two words, but here's a good sentence. The blood vessels of a blue whale are so large that a car could drive down some of them.

Woord root referring to tube like structures that carry blood?

Angio- is the medical terminology combining form that refers to blood vessels. Examples of this combining form include angiography (the process of making a visual record of the blood vessels).

What body part does the medical root word hilus refer to?

The medical root word 'hilus' refers to the pit or depression in an organ where vessels and nerves enter (Latin).

What the blood vessels?

Blood Vessels-are the passageway of blood.

What Of the blood vessels?

Blood Vessels-are the passageway of blood.

What in tobacco constricts blood vessels?

Nicotine is the blood vessels' constrictor. Not all blood vessels, of course, but mainly the peripheral blood vessels, including the brain capillary blood vessels.