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Q: What is the word that becomes shorter after you add two more letters to it?
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What five letter word which becomes shorter with two letters into it?

"What five letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?"short + er = shorter

What are all the five letter word becomes shorter?

"Short" is a five-letter word that becomes shorter when you add two letters.

What five letter word becomes shorter when add two letters to it?


What word becomes shorter the more you add letters to it?

The word is SHORT it was 5 letter you then add ER

Riddle: What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?


What word becomes shorter if you add two let to it?

The word "short", if you add the letters 'e'and 'r'.

What five letter word becomes smaller if you add two letters on to it?

The 5 letter word is short. It becomes shorter when 'er' is added.

What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add er to it?

If you add two letters to short (adding "er"), it makes "shorter."

Which word becomes longer when you remove one of its letters?

Lounger becomes longer when the letter u is removed.

Which word shorter when you put two letters on it?

Short is shorter when you put two letters on it

What do you add two letters to to make the word shorter?

it is a word game the word is SHORT then add ER letters at end, to make SHORTER

What do people mean when they say to write the contraction for the set of words?

When people say to write the contraction for a set of words, they are asking you to combine two words by replacing one or more letters with an apostrophe to form a shorter word. For example, "do not" becomes "don't" and "can not" becomes "can't".