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Q: What is the word that describes how in Harry potter he shouldn't look at the mirror with his parents because it is not real and it is no use to dwell on his past and what could be?
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beam detector mirror have a 100 lenses

Why did it say parents on Mike's mirror in Pretty Little Liars?

You know how car mirrors say "objects in mirror are closer then they apper" he covered over the part " objects in mirror" and wrote "parents" to make it parents are closer then they apper. It was just a little joke.

Which describes a reflected image in a plane mirror?

the image is right-left reversed and about as far away from the mirror as the reflected object

How would you describes the image formed by a convex mirror?

The image formed by a convex mirror is upright and larger than the object.

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i think that the lady of shalott is shalott herseld because she was stuck in the tower and was cursed by the mirror. i know this because nobody has ever seen her and because of that everyone describes her as a young and beautiful women who sings all the time.

Mirror Repair?

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Which is the properties describes the nature of the image formed by a convex mirror?

Virtual Erect Diminished

What describes the sound the bell would make?

the mirror reflects light in a straight pattern

Why are things backwards in the mirror?

Things appear backwards in the mirror because mirrors reflect light waves. When you look in a mirror, the reflection appears reversed because the mirror is reflecting the image as if it were behind the mirror rather than in front of it.

Can Santa really see you in his magic mirror?

No. After all, ...parents pretend to be Santa!

What is Harry Potters biggest want or need?

His parents, as he sees in the mirror or Erised.

How can you see things in a mirror with light?

Because a mirror reflects light.