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Q: What is the word that means a person that belief in one god?
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What word means the belief of god?

The belief in God is commonly referred to as "theism".

What word means you only serve one god?

The belief in only one god is monotheism.

What is the difference between Imaan and Islam?

The word "imaan" means "belief in God," while "Islam" means "security through submission to God."

What is monothelitism?

I think you mean monotheism. That simply means the belief in one God. Mono means "one" and theos is the greek word for God. Thus monotheism means "one God".

What is the difference between pantheism and atheism and monotheism?

Ism: represents Belief In or Commitment To. Theism: "theos" means god or God; "a belief in or commitment to God" Pan-theism: "pan" means All, Everywhere; "a belief or commitment to a god being everywhere or in all things" A-theism: "a" means Not, Negative-of; "a belief that there is no God" Mono-theism: "mono" means One, Single, Undivided; "a belief that there is only one God"

Is there a difference between atheistic and being nonreligious?

There is a big difference. Atheism means a person that doesn't believe in God whatsoever. Nonrelegious means a person that beleives is God but doesn't belong to a church in particular.A Different PerspectiveA nonreligious person does not show any outward manifestations of devotion to a deity. One would need further information to determine if a non-religious person is an atheist or a theist.Atheism is the absence of any belief in deities.A (without) + theism (belief in a god) = without belief in a god.

What does monothestic mean?

monotheism is a religions belief in only one God

What word for belief in no god?


What is it called when people believe in more than 1 god?

when someone has belief of more than 1 god it is called polytheism. polytheism is a word that has the definition of this noun means the belief or worship of more than 1 god.

What is the meaning of 'used to communicate with god'?

Depending on the context, it either means that somebody is talking about an object which purportedly helps you communicate with God, or that in the past, a person regularly communicated with God.

What Do Sikh's belief in?

Sikh's belief in one God, they call God Waheguru means 'Wonderful Lord'.

Can a theist person be an atheist?

No. They are opposites, one being the belief in a god, the other being the belief that there is no god.