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Q: What is the word use to describe something?
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You use it to describe something that lives in trees.

When to use have and have been?

The word 'have' can be used to describe something done to something else, eg. "I have ridden a motorcycle.". The phrase "have been" can be used to describe something done to you, such as: "I have been taken advantage of.".

What do you call it if something is misshaped?

If something is misshaped, one word you could use is "deformed" to describe it. Even just "misshaped" would be an okay use.

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The word 'fishy' is the adjective to describe something as fishy.

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Artisticly is not really a word, though people use it to describe how someone did something in an artful way. You could also use artfulness.

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When to use the word was?

The word "was" is very useful when you wish to describe something in the past. Fred is fat, but ten years ago he was much thinner.

Is fissure a steep sided mountain?

A "fissure" is a crack or break in something. You might use the word "fissure' to describe a steep-sided canyon, something that looks like a crack in the mountain. You would not use "fissure" to describe the mountain itself.

What word is used to describe looking up at something?

To look up at something could be to gaze up, or to stare up at. There are many but all you have to do is use a word that is better than looking.

How does a writer use language to describe the setting and character?

This is a rather confusing question. How would they describe anything without using language? The word "describe" means using language to tell about something.

How do you use the word angelic?

The word angelic is an adjective, a word used to describe someone or something as of or relating to angels, or to describe a person who is exceptionally beautiful, innocent, or kind.Example sentence:We could hear the angelic voices of the choir in rehearsal.