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Q: What is the world's largest amphibian where do they live and for how long?
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How long and far can the largest amphibian jump?

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Which are the largest and smallest amphibians?

The largest amphibian is the Chinese salamander. It can weight up to 140 lbs and can be up to 6 feet long. The smallest amphibian is the paedophryne amauensis frog in Papua New Guinea. It is only 7 mm long.

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What is the largest and smallest amphibian?

The largest amphibian is the Chinese giant salamander. It can grow up to 6 feet long (about 180 cm.) The smallest is a New Guinea frog that only grows up to .27 inches (about .65 cm.)

How long in feet is the worlds largest squid?

6 meters = 19.6850394 feet Source:

What is the largest amphibian in in the world?

The Goliath frog. It lives in the country of Cameroon in West Africa. They can grow up to 13 inches long! They weigh up to 8 lb (3 kg). They can live 15 years; and mainly eat crabs but also eat insects and smaller frogs. They like to live in fast-flowing rivers with sandy bottoms.The Frog

How many miles long is the worlds second largest continent?

11,700,000 miles

Worlds largest snake name size?

anaconda which 20 foot long

How long can an amphibian live?

The Japanese salamander is the oldest amphibian on record in captivity. The Artis Zoo in Amsterdam has one that lived to 52 years old. The Warty Oreo can live to 140 years old.