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The largest predatory shark in the world was a great white shark somewhere between 23 and 35 feet long.

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Q: What is the worlds largest predatory shark?
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What is worlds largest predatory fish?

great white shark

What is the worlds largest predatory fish?

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Is a basking shark a shark?

Yes it is. It's the worlds second largest fish. (A shark is a fish by the way). The worlds largest fish is also a shark, the whale shark. From the shark expert girl.

What was that shark from jaws?

A model of a great white, called Bruce. The great white shark is one of the largest sharks and the largest predatory shark, that is why they used a great white.

Largest predatory fish?

Liopleurodon was 25 meters long - the largest predator ever discovered

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the great white shark

How big is the biggest meat eating shark?

The worlds biggest shark is about as big as a medium size house

What is the Worlds larest fish?

The world's largest fish is the whale shark.

Is the whale shark the largest animal ever?

no infact the worlds largest animal is the blue whale

What the bigest shark?

The largest shark in the world is the whale shark. One of them can be up to 40 feet in length. The largest predatory fish in the world is the great white shark. They can be up to 30 feet long.

Is the tuna the largest predator fish?

No. The largest Predatory fish is the Whale Shark. It is a filter feeder; it's diet consists primarily of plankton and krill.

What is the worlds slowest shark?

the worlds slowest shark is the tiger shark the worlds slowest shark is the tiger shark