

What is theoretical frequency?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: What is theoretical frequency?
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Is there a maximum theoretical frequency for electromagnetic waves?

Yes, there is maximum theoretical frequency for EM (electromagnetic) waves. In the EM Spectrum, the highest frequency band is of gamma rays, which consist of frequencies greater than 1x10**19 Hz and wavelenth less than 0.1 A0.The three equations (shown below) explain all manner about EM waves:Where:c = 299,792,458 m/s = the speed of light in vacuum,h = 6.62606896 (33) * 10**-34 = Planck's constant,J s = 4.13566733 (10) * 10**-15,eV s = ?This holds good for the (above) equations until this criteria breaks down, then theoretical conditions become indeterminate (collapse).The lower EM boundary is Extremely Long Waves and these consist of frequency below 106 Hz, and wavelenth exceeding 1000 A0 (the criteria for Maximum EM Waves) .

What is the relationship between freqency and energy?

The relationship between frequency and energy of electromagnetic radiation was first described by the theoretical physicist Max Planck. He stated that the energy (E) of a single photon is directly proportional to the frequency of its associated electromagnetic wave (v). The coefficient of this proportionality is the Planck Constant (h). The relationship between frequency and energy is thus defined:E = hvThe value of h is 6.62606957(29)×10−34 joule-seconds.Since the frequency of light, v, can be defined as v = c/λ, we can re-write the energy calculation as:E = (hc)/λNote that these definitions are only true for electromagnetic radiation; the proportionality of frequency and energy in other types of waves is also true, but the relationship is not defined by the Planck constant in such cases.

What was Einstein's profession?

Theoretical physicist

Why COP actual lower than COP theoretical?

Theoretical calculations take into account many factors that in fact should not be involved

The number of complete waves that pass a point in a certain amount of time is a wave's?

This is known as the frequency of the wave.

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How to get expected frequency value in chi square test?

For goodness of fit test using Chisquare test, Expected frequency = Total number of observations * theoretical probability specified or Expected frequency = Total number of observations / Number of categories if theoretical frequencies are not given. For contingency tables (test for independence) Expected frequency = (Row total * Column total) / Grand total for each cell

What is the frequency for heads in a series of 100 tosses of a fair coin?

The theoretical frequency of heads will be .5 and as you do more and more coin tosses the observed frequency should get closer and closer to .5. With 100 tosses, it will be pretty close, but not exactly .5

What is law of large numbers?

when a probability experiment is repeated a large number of times, the relative frequency probability of an outcome will approach its theoretical probability.

Who invented frequency distribution?

Nobody invented frequency distribution. Events happen, as is the nature of events. Some events can have different outcomes and a frequency distribution is simply the proportion of times that these different outcomes happen (empirical freq distrib) or are expected to happen based on scientific laws (theoretical freq distrib).

What is the definitions of a theoretical probability?

To me, the theoretical probability is what is termed the classical probability. This says the probability is the number of ways an event can occur divided by the number of possible events. Forexample, flip a coin. The theoretical probability for heads is 1/2. However, flip a coin 10 times and you will probably not get 5/10 (or 1/2). Doing the actual experiment to determine the probability is called relative frequency approximation.

Is there a maximum theoretical frequency for electromagnetic waves?

Yes, there is maximum theoretical frequency for EM (electromagnetic) waves. In the EM Spectrum, the highest frequency band is of gamma rays, which consist of frequencies greater than 1x10**19 Hz and wavelenth less than 0.1 A0.The three equations (shown below) explain all manner about EM waves:Where:c = 299,792,458 m/s = the speed of light in vacuum,h = 6.62606896 (33) * 10**-34 = Planck's constant,J s = 4.13566733 (10) * 10**-15,eV s = ?This holds good for the (above) equations until this criteria breaks down, then theoretical conditions become indeterminate (collapse).The lower EM boundary is Extremely Long Waves and these consist of frequency below 106 Hz, and wavelenth exceeding 1000 A0 (the criteria for Maximum EM Waves) .

What are the highest frequency and the lowest frequency of the em specturm?

There are no limits to the E&M spectrum.At the upper end, gamma rays extend to frequencies so high that their wavelengths areshorter than an atomic nucleus. Higher-energy sources in the universe produce gammarays with higher frequency, and there's no theoretical limit.At the lower end, the power grid radiates plenty of electromagnetic energy at 60 Hz, andit's relatively easy to build an oscillator on your work bench, if you want to, with a frequencyof 1 cycle per month or lower. Again, there's no theoretical limit.

How do use the word theoretical in a sentence?

Theoretical physics explores concepts that are not yet proven by experimentation.

If an analog signal with bandwidth of 1.7khz is to be digitized what time intervals should the analogy signals be sampled?

The theoretical minimum sampling rate required in order to avoid frequency aliasing is 3.4 KHz.

What is a sentence for theoretical?

Your accusations are purely theoretical.

In writing a thesis what is a theoretical statement?

A theoretical statement in a thesis is a proposition that explains, predicts, or describes a relationship between variables or concepts based on existing theories or literature. It serves as the foundation for the research and guides the development of hypotheses and research questions.