

What is there to see IN GERMANY?

Updated: 4/6/2022
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Q: What is there to see IN GERMANY?
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List of animals you see in Germany?

the most likely animal you will see in Germany is the black eagele for it is there national animal too you will see it on there coat of arms

What is the breakdown of Germany's energy consumption?

See some figures for Germany in the link below

Where can you see a map of Germany and the surrounding countries?

go to google and type in map of Germany

Does Slenderman live in Germany?

I don't see why not.

How can you see a German girl?

By moving to Germany.

In Germany do they use MacBooks?

MacBooks are popular and widely used in Germany. (See links below)

Is there a national costume or particular clothes you might see in Germany?

Probably not Germany is a modern nation

What were the Nazi Germany's policies during World War 2?

See Website: Nazi Germany

What would you see in Germany if you went?

you would see people and fantastic scenery.

What are some things to do in Germany?

There are many things to see and do in Germany. Germany has many beautiful castles to visit, great food, wonderful cities to see, the Black Forest, mountain areas, and wonderful little villages.

How far is Germany from France?

Germany and France are neighbouring countries and so have a border. See the map below.

When did America declaire war on Germany?

See answer below.