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mapayat na boses...........:)

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Soft and quiet.

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Q: What is thin voice?
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When was Thin Wires in the Voice created?

Thin Wires in the Voice was created in 1967.

What are they usage of thin voice?


Is treble the kind of voice a person has whether it is rich pleasant weak thin hoasrse husky nasal or rough?

timber is a kind of voice a person has whether it is rich pleasant weak thin hoarse husky nasal or rough

How can you make your voice thin and sweet?

well, just practice in singing practice makes you perfect :)

What kind of voice a person has whether it is rich pleasant weak thin hoarse huskynasal or rough?

A person's voice can vary widely based on the pitch, tone, volume, and quality. These terms like rich, pleasant, weak, thin, hoarse, husky, nasal, or rough describe different qualities of a voice that are often used to characterize how it sounds or feels to a listener. These descriptors can help to identify the unique characteristics of a person's voice.

Who does the voice for the octopus in the air wick advert?

It's Mina Anwar who played Maggie Habib in The Thin Blue Line

Can bring a voice recorder on an airplane?

NO .......... The security staff wont above because in 1973 a passenger had taken voice recorder and recorded the pilots announcement . then he had played the the recording back to the pilot.. Listening to the recording the pilot had suicided by jumping from the plane in thin air because his voice sounded girly and lost his privates in the accident.. Since then the government had strictly forbidden the use of voice recorders in aircrafts...

What is the thin flaps on top of your windpipe called?

The thin flaps on top of your windpipe are called the vocal cords. These cords vibrate when air passes through them, producing sound. They are essential for speaking and singing.

How does the pressure change as you go from the surface toward the center of the earth?

its cause when you go down the air gets to thin and you get all happy and ur voice gets hi

Where can you find a song with the lyrics you should write a song in the beginning of the song and a girl with a very thin voice is singing it and it plays at the bebe store i work at all the time?


What is another word for speaks softly?

To whisper; hushed thin voice, like when you are trying to be stealthy. To murmur; very low, voice, that still carries a tone, like very low volume speaking. To mumble; to murmur in a slightly incomprehensible manner. To susurrate; similar to murmur and whisper. To sigh; a pleasant whispery voice, like the voice of a seducing mermaid, hence the expression "a lover's sigh". To mutter; to murmur absentmindedly to oneself.

When making a string telephone would thick or thin string work better?

It actually doesn't matter. What does matter is that the string is kept taught, so the voice is transmitted down the cord cleanly.