

What is thinkalink?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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15y ago

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I've been on and it's great. If you're one of those people who can never remember facts, dates and names or you want to learn new one's this site does it through word can make up your own links to help others learn new stuff too!!

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15y ago
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13y ago

Thinkalink is a fun and easy way to remember any fact you care to mention whether it be the capital of Sweden, how to spell Diarrhoea, when the Battle of Waterloo was or what the French for Ticket is. You look at each link and grade it out of 10 with the most popular ones going into the book which is coming out soon. If a link doesn't work for you then think of your own and submit it. It makes learning fun and sure beats learning by repitition!

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