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Potential a small spot of cold sore. If it continues seek medical advice

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Q: What is this in the corner of my mouth It is itchy and fairly painful?
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Related questions

What is cheliosis?

The term cheilosis refers to a medical condition that causes a painful inflammation and drying and cracking of the lips at the corner of the mouth.

What does it mean when someone says you have something on the corner of your mouth?

It usually means you have something on the corner of your mouth.

What if you do if you have a itchy mouth?

Just leave it. The itchiness will go away sooner or later.

Can you get stitches in the mouth?

Yes and it is painful and irritating for the duration.

How do mouth ulcers feel?

mouth ulcers are supre painful and annoying i cant even talk ouch!

What should you do if you have a cut on the corner of your mouth that wont heal?

If you have a cut on the corner of your mouth that won't heal, you should see a doctor. They can determine the cause of the lack of healing.

Whot would cause the roof of your mouth to be itchy?

You could have an allergy against something you have eaten.

What would you call a scab that is at the corner of your mouth?

a kufuzelanter

Itchy burning sensation on your hands and feet and in your mouth followed along with red dots What is wrong with you?

If you are experiencing itchy, burning sensations followed by red dots in your mouth, you may be having an allergic reaction. Seek medical attention immediately as this can be life threatening.

What is the painful lump behind your ear painful to touch and painful after touching and causes mouth pain?

swollen lymph node due to infection, usually in the head region.

What are the sores on lips and mouth?

cheilosis: crack like sores at the corner of the mouth. (lip disease)

Why does your mouth bleed when you eat glass?

cuz glass is sharp and painful!