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Q: What is this part of the nervous system is the bodys command center?
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What controls the coordination of many of the bodys activities?

nervous system

What does caffeine do to your mind and body?

stimultesthe bodys nervous system to make you more alert

What is the bodys communication system?

Internally it is the Nervous System. Externally it is the Sensory system (touch, sight, smell, taste, hearing) and the voice.

What is the bodys speedy electrochemical information system called?

The body's speedy electrochemical information system is called the nervous system. It consists of the brain, spinal cord, and network of nerves that transmit signals between different parts of the body to coordinate movement, sensation, and other functions.

Which system is responsible for determining the bodys immediate response to the heat?

The nervous system is responsible for determining the body's immediate response to the heat. It also is responsible for determining the body's immediate response to the cold.

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Which of the bodys communication systems operates the most quickly why?

The NERVOUS SYSTEM. It can send signals along the physical network of specialized tissues. Getting a message from the nervous system is like getting your email through your computer connected to a high speed cable. These messages arrive very fast. The NERVOUS controls your heart rate, breathing and reflexes.--JMAR14--

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I believe the bodies transportion system is the cardiovascular system :)

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