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to get higher grades

to get more allowances from their parents

to become more popular in the campus

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Q: What is three reasons that students should keep the average amount of homework?
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Related questions

What is the average amount of homework given to students?

It depends on the school but normally about 1-4 hours :)

What is the homework policy in a local school system?

The homework policy is a formal written policy in a local school system that governs the amount and type of homework and other details of homework that teachers can give to students. Many schools do not have formal policies.

How much homework by law is a teacher allowed to give a student a night?

There is no specific law that dictates the amount of homework a teacher can assign. However, the general guideline is that students should have a reasonable amount of homework that is aligned with their grade level and age, and promotes learning rather than overwhelming them. Ultimately, the amount of homework should be manageable and reasonable for students to complete within a reasonable timeframe.

Why do teachers assign so much homework?

Teachers assign homework to reinforce learning, allow students to practice and apply what they've learned, and to help students develop discipline, time management, and study skills. Homework also serves as a way for teachers to gauge understanding and provide additional practice and feedback.

How much paper does homework waste?

Homework assignments can contribute to paper waste, especially if students are printing out worksheets or writing on loose paper. To reduce waste, students can try completing assignments digitally or using recycled paper. The amount of paper wasted by homework will vary depending on the individual and the nature of the assignments.

What is the average amount of homework per week in year nine?

They should get a decent amount of homework. 2 hours worth of homework is too much for them to handle. 9 year olds should have homework that you can finish in a half hour

Can anyone help me with my physical science homework It is for a ml sample of water and a L sample of water to have the same temperature it is for them to have the same amount of heat stored?

No. We don't do homework for students. You need to do it. We will be glad to give support and suggestions.

If you have 40 minutes of homework for 5 days straight what is the total amount of homework do youneed to do that week?

The total amount of homework you need to do that week is, 200.

How many kids in middle school do their homework?

The amount of homework a student should have depends on the grade they are in and other factors. Grades K-2 should not have very much homework. Starting in grade 3, students can have more homework, but not so much that they get discouraged or feel a lot of pressure. As students get older, they could have more homework, but again, not so much that they are overwhelmed or have to spend the entire evening doing homework. Middle school and high school students should be able to handle whatever homework they are given as long as it is not so much that they honestly cannot get it done if they are trying to do it.

Identify the adjectives in the following sentence Although the new students worked hard they could barely keep up with the overwhelming amount of homework.?


Why do fifth grade teachers give ridiculous homework?

Most elementary teachers assign a reasonable level of homework based on their students' level. Sometimes, students have been "spoiled" by prior teachers not assigning enough homework. Other times, a particular student may not quite be on grade level, and may struggle with the appropriate amount of homework. On rare occasions, a teacher may mistakenly assign more than their students can handle. In this case, a group of parents should approach the teacher about unrealistic expectations. If this is unsuccessful, the parents should go to the principal.

What is the average amount of students that play more than one sport at a time?

70 out of 100 i think