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mabye your pet has fleas or other parasites that he's trying to get to buzz off

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Q: What is three things you can do to prevent animal bites and scratches?
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Why is washing with soap and water very important for cuts scratches and animal bites?

It is important to wash with soap and water when cleaning cuts, scratches, and animal bites because soap kills the germs that live in these wounds. Without the use of soap, there is a far greater chance of infection.

Tetanus shot for rat snake bite?

well no because tetanus is a disease caused by rat or snake bites.. i think it may also be caused by other animal scratches or bites.

Can rabies be trasmitted through a scab?

The only way rabies can be spread is if a animal infected bites or scratches you. If u think an animal is infected stay away an call for help.

How long does it take for a ferret to get rabies?

According to The American Veterinary Medical Association in the event that a vaccinated pet ferret bites or scratches someone, the animal may be quarantined for 10 days.

What is the rabies vaccine for?

To prevent rabbies spreading on from different animals and to stop humans getting it if the animal that bites the human has rabbies.

How do you treat insect and animal bites?

This question is far too general. Insect bites and animal bites are different.

Can animal bites transmit bacteria?

When an animal bites, it can then transmit pathogens into the wound

Do squirrels carry rabbies?

rarely but if bites you or scratches u then you should go to the doctor

Are cat scratches worse then dog bites?

Heh heh, I know they are a lot more common than dog bites but I don't think they are worse!

How are insect and animal bites treated in wilderness medicine?

The goal of treatment is to stop bleeding, prevent infection, and alleviate envenomation, or exposure to poison.

How does the eastern fox squirrel defend itself?

It has 20 teeth, so it probably bites and scratches.