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Q: What is tissue holding bones together called?
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What holds your bones together?

Bones are held together by a strong tissue called Ligaments.

What is the tissue in your body called that holds your bones together?

legaments legaments

What are the tissuses connect bones to bones?

The tissues are called ligaments. Thoes tissues are what connect your bones to other parts of bones.

What is the tissue that holds muscles and bones together called?

The tissue that holds the muscle and bone together is called a SINEW. a sinew is a tough, fibrous tissue uniting muscle and bone. It is the source of muscular power and strength.

What is the connective tissue holding bones to bones?

Connective tissue is one which is rich in intercellular substance or interlacing processes with little tendency for the cells to come together in sheets or masses. Ligament is the connective tissue that connect bones to bones .

What is the fibrous connective tissue the holds bones in a joint together?

Ligaments are the fibrous connective tissue that holds bones in a joint together.

What spongy tissue holds your bones together?

A spongy tissue in bones is inside the bones and it makes red blood cells.

The muscle tissue bones that make blood called?

The muscle tissue bones that make blood are called the Cancellous bone.

What holds the bones togerther?

Bones are held together by joints and muscles and tissue.

What is the tissue that connect two bones called?

The tissue that connects two bones are the ligaments

What kind of tissue holds bones together?

Ligament .

What holds bone and muscle together?

This is done by the tendons, sometimes called sinew.