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Q: What is todays cloud cover in percentage?
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What is the unit of measurement for a cloud cover?

Cloud cover is usually given as a percentage, there is no unit of measure.

What unit is for cloud cover?

Cloud cover is usually given as a percentage, there is no unit of measure.

What part of speech is cloud cover?

Cloud cover is a noun. "Expect lots of cloud cover today."

What cool region underneath cloud cover will have a region with no cloud cover?

A higher pressure than

What cool region underneaths cloud cover Will have a region with no cloud cover?

A higher pressure than

A cool region underneath cloud cover will have a region with no cloud cover.?

A higher pressure than

a cool region underneath cloud cover will have ____ a region with no cloud cover?

A higher pressure than

What A cool region underneath cloud cover will have a region with no cloud cover?

The temperature of a region with cloud cover is lower than a region without cloud cover. This is due to the absorption of heat of the clouds and the reflection of the water molecules in the clouds of light that causes the heat in the region.

What does A cool region underneath cloud cover that a region with no cloud cover won't have?

a higher density than

What unit is clould cover measured in?

Cloud cover is typically measured in percentage, ranging from 0% (completely clear sky) to 100% (completely overcast sky). This percentage represents the fraction of the sky covered by clouds at a specific location and time.

What was the temperature and cloud cover on December in Kansas city?

Cloud cover does not have a temperature. It affects the rate of heating or cooling.

the air in a cool region underneath cloud cover will have ____ a region with no cloud cover?

a higher density than... apex