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Q: What is total magnification obtainable with a low power objective?
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What is the total magnification if you view an object using a 40x objective lens and the eyepiece of the microscope is at 5x magnifying power?

The total magnification would be 200x, since the total magnification is the magnification of the objective lens X the magnification of the eyepiece.

A microscope with a 10x ocular lens and a 25x objective lens has a total power of magnification equal to?

magnification= ocular power *objective power=10X*60X

How do you calculate the total magnification capacity of a microscope?

the power of the ocular lens multiplied by the magnification of the objective lens

How do you caculate total magnification?

The general formula for Total maginifcation Tm is: Tm= Me x Mob where Me is the magnification produced by the eyepiece and Mob is the magnification produced by the objective.

What is the rule for the total magnification of a compound microscope?

Multiply the magnification or power of the objective lens times the power of the eyepiece and it equals the total magnification

What is the total low power magnification?

Low power magnification is considered to be a hundred times. This is the result of multiplying the objective and optical lenses which have the power of 10.

If the total power of magnification is 400x and the eyepiece is 10x what is the objective lens power?

One can obtain a total magnification of 400x while using an objective lens of 40x. Such a lens should be used along an eyepiece of 10x.

What is the total magnification of the microscope when the low power objective is locked in place?

10 X 10 = 100 magnification. Ocular lens = 10 Objective lens = 10

Total magnification is determined by?

the eyepiece lens magnification X the magnification of the objective lens.

What is the total magnifying power of low power objective lens?

What is the value of the smallest objective?If it is 4x,The total magnification = eye piece x objective lens= (10x) x (4x)= 40x

What is the magnification of the objectives of the microscope?

The magnification of the objective lens is 10x. The magnification of the scanning lens is 4x. Therefore if you are viewing an object under scanning power, the total magnification is 40x.

What happens to total magnification if increase objective lens?

Total magnification is calculated by objective times ocular lens. So if you increase the objective lens is directly related to an increase in magnification.