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Q: What is transfer of momentum in a bunker shot?
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Play a shot in a bunker and fail to get out can you rake the bunker before the next shot out of the bunker?

No, because this is viewed as testing, for which you would be given a penalty.

Does electrical momentom transfer of momentom of masses?

Yes, the electrical momentum does transfer to the momentum of masses.

What should a golfer do before leaving the bunker?

Get into the bunker, play their shot then rake the bunker as they are leaving.

Which has more momentum a gun or the bullet it fires?

If the gun is stationary before the shot, then the momentum of the gun and the momentum of the bullet are equal and opposite after the shot.

Linear of momentum recoil of a rifle formula?

The formula is, quite simply, that the momentum before and after the shot is the same. You can assume that the momentum before the shot is zero (because the rifle and the bullet were not moving), so after the shot, the total momentum will also be zero.

What is meant by four momentum transfer?

Simply put, four-momentum transfer is the special relativistic spacetime analog of classical (three-) momentum transfer. In classical physics, two bodies can interact and exchange momentum in three spacial dimensions. In particle physics, strictly spatial momentum vectors do not suffice. Instead we use four-momentum, a Lorentz vector. Four-momentum transfer is often referred to as Q^2 is particle physics literature. An interaction that transfer a large amount of four-momentum is a high Q^2 interaction.

Where was Deborah Samson shot?

bunker hill

Can you rake a bunker before your shot?


Are momentum and impulse measured in the same units?

Yes. You can think of an impulse as of a transfer of momentum.

What should always be used after a bunker shot?

The Rake.

Conservation of linear momentum and energy?

energy transfer through transferring momentum. karim khan

Does every transfer decrease momentum?

No. Total momentum always remains constant. Therefore, if the momentum of one object decreases, the momentum of another must needs increase.