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Transpiration - see here

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Q: What is transfer of the water from leaves of plants into the air is called?
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The transfer of water from leaves of plants into the air is called?

This process is called transpiration.

Plants transfer water in the water cycle through what?

Plants transfer water in the water cycle through a process called transpiration, where water evaporates from the leaves and stems. This water vapor then condenses and forms clouds, leading to precipitation.

What has tansport water from plants roots to its leaves what?

Water through the vascular tissue called xylem.

What is it called when plants loose water from their leaves?


What is it called when the evaporation of water from the leaves of plants?

This phenomenon is called transpiration.

What is the loss of water from plants called?

Transpiration is water loss from plants.

How do plants transfer water in the water cycle?

Plants transfer water through a process called transpiration, where water evaporates from their leaves and stems into the air. This water vapor rises into the atmosphere and eventually condenses to form clouds, which can then lead to precipitation. Plants also release water through their roots, contributing to groundwater recharge and eventually returning to bodies of water through runoff or seepage.

What is the evaporation of water from he leaves of plants?

This phenomenon is called transpiration.

What holes evaporate water from the leaves of plants?

they are called stomata

What is it called Plants lose their water through their leaves?


What is the process in which water evaporates from the leaves and plants?

The process in which water evaporates from leaves and plants is called transpiration. It involves water moving from the roots through the plants and eventually exiting through small openings in the leaves called stomata. This helps regulate the plant's temperature and nutrient uptake.

When water evaporated from the leaves of plants it is called?

This process is called transpiration.