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Q: What is treated using antiserum made from horse blood?
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Related questions

How is horse serum made?

Horse serum is made by taking horse blood that has developed immunities to toxins. The clotted blood was separated using chemical techniques.

Can you use treated lumber for horse shed posts?

Yes you can, but if there is a chance that the horses may bite on or chew the post you might want to consider using cedar post.

Who found a cure for the black plaque?

it was first found by flemming by boosting immune system of humans by using WBC's from horse blood.

Can diabetic foot problems be treated pain free?

Diabetic foot problems can be treated in a pain free method. Daily stimulation can decrease discomfort and increase blood flow to the foot area. The increase in blood flow decreases pain without using a treatment that could be painful to the patient.

How is Empyema treated?

Empyema is treated using a combination of medications and surgical techniques

What should patients do who are taking clozapine?

people who may be treated with clozapine should have blood counts before starting the drug, blood counts every week for as long as they are using clozapine, and blood counts every week for the first 4 weeks after they stop taking clozapine.

What organs have been treated using blood from the umbilical cord?

umbilical cord cell are stem cells that can be used to make other organs the cells are hematopic stem cells

What is the purpose of using a horse float?

The purpose of using a horse float is to clean a horse's teeth. It is a part of dentistry for the animal and it is very necessary to be done for its health.

Is it ok to use calamine lotion on a horse?

It depends on why you are using it on the horse.

How is coma treated?

attention must first be directed to maintaining the patient's respiration and circulation, using intubation and ventilation, administration of intravenous fluids or blood as needed, and other supportive care.

If a horse scratches and you are using him in a Four Horse Triple what happens to the ticket?

You get refunded.

How is excess stored iron in the body treated?

Phlebotomy, or blood removal, has been used with some success. Iron chelation using drugs such as desferrioxamine help patients excrete excess stores of iron.